What’s New With Weight Watchers 2021, WW+
This question has popped up in my Weight Watchers group over and over again:
Is Weight Watchers changing in 2021? Yes and no!
What's the 2021 Weight Watchers plan? Let's talk about that now!
NEW: WW has changed AGAIN! Check out the WW 2022 changes here.

“Healthi formerly iTrackbites is an alternative to Weight Watchers. “
Weight Watchers 2021
Don't worry! As far as we know, myWW (formerly Weight Watchers) has made plenty of changes in recent times, and they don't plan on changing the way we track points for 2021. However, a few changes are being made, so let's talk about those.
First, you'll need to update your ww app if you want to see these changes and updates.
New WW+ app changes for 2021
The myWW+ program was nearly three years in the making. They took the myWW program you know and love and added new tools designed to make weight loss easier – all backed by science. By making the program even more personalized, myWW+ provides more accountability and more support than ever before.
- Your Weekly Plan. This allows you to meal plan! You can choose from family-friendly meals, vegetarian meals, meals for one, and more. This is a very helpful improvement!
- What's in your fridge? The WW+ app helps come up with recipes based on what you already have on hand. This means no more daily trips to the grocery store when you find a new WW recipe to try! Simply plug in what you have, and WW+ gives you some recipe ideas.
- Barcode scanner. This is still there! That is one of my favorite features so I'm glad it's still there.
- Weekly check-ins. This is where you can check in and add your weight each week. Then, you'll see “what worked last week” and a look ahead at next week.
- Sleep tracking. You can now track your sleep right in the app!
- Hey Siri feature. Hands-free tracking with Siri! “Hey, Siri. Track banana bread.”
- Personal assessment. WW added an assessment with the last big changes, but this is a little different because it's more personalized. Looking for a simple assessment to figure out which color plan you should be on? I have a free one here.
- Streamlined recipes. Whether you're searching for “quarantine baking” or “easy chicken recipes”, WW+ has you covered.
- 5 minute coaching. Connected with Headspace, WW+ now has sections to help you manage your eating, setting intentions, and more. This is a wonderful addition! myWW has worked hard to change the mindset from “lose weight” to “overall wellness”.
- Restaurant finder. If you didn't make a plan ahead of time, the restaurant finder will help you find a delicious restaurant to eat at that won't break your points bank!
- Fitpoints update. New way to view your FitPoints that helps you move more and find workouts you love!
WW+ has a new, sleeker interface with lots of helpful updates! While the WW program isn't changing, these additions have definitely taken it up a notch. I use iTrackBites instead of WW but if you're still using WW (and paying lots more than iTB), enjoy these new features.
If you're doing well with Weight Watchers, I'm happy for you!
If you are struggling, let me offer some solutions that have worked well for me:
Weight Watchers Plan Options
Problem: I'm not sure which myWW plan is right for me.
Solution: Take this free assessment to see which plan will be best for your lifestyle! 🙂 Then, find a comparable plan on Healthi formerly iTrackbites and save a fortune.
Weight Watchers Cost
Problem: Weight Watchers is too expensive.
Solution: Healthi formerly iTrackbites has comparable programs (and more!) for a fraction of the cost. Read more about my experience with iTB here.
Weight Watchers feels Restrictive
Problem: I'm sick of tracking everything I eat!
Solution: Try noom! You still track but you're tracking metrics besides points and it's not as strict. I absolutely LOVED trying noom and got great results, and many of my friends have seen AMAZING results with noom as well.
Be sure to grab my free 7 day guide to getting started with noom.
Weight Watchers Isn't Working for me!
Problem: Weight Watchers isn't working. I can't lose weight!
Solution: Try a Zero Point Day to restart your plan and get back on track!
I have cheat sheets for EACH plan! These cheat sheets have the zero point food list as well as calories, carbs, and serving size for each food! Yes, it took me forever to put them together… but now they're perfect for saving and printing! 🙂

Have other struggles with weight loss?

Since the pandemic I cannot loose weight. I go up a little, then down, etc., for the last year. Since I have a lot of medical bills And live on my pension, i couldn’t afford the $42 a month. When I left I lost all my recipes, points for food, and weight history. I feel totally lost without meetings and miss the other members. I’m trying to stay on program but it’s hard without the accountability of tracking. I feel like a failure.
Barbara, Have you thought about trying iTrackBites? With the Corona Virus and social distancing Their in-app community may be the answer for you. iTrackBites allows you to stay on track for a fraction of the cost of myWW. You get all the perks of WW without the cost. Check them out and let me know what you think. There are thousands of members in the community who are there to help you accomplish your goals. Let me help you get some of the recipes back as in my group I am sure we can recover quite a few of them. I recommend keeping a journal for tracking weight loss history as apps can crash they go through updates and the like. These things can cause you to lose your important historic events. I find writing them down to be satisfying when I reach certain goals. I also find it to be eye-opening when it comes to goals not met as I can look back and see where I can improve. I truly hope this helps you continue your journey and I hope to help solve some of your issues. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you succeed.
Congratulations for being successful on Weight watchers. I’ve been a lifetime member for 48 years believe it or not. I would suggest remembering and writing down every recipe you can remember and every food that you loved and those points
A lot you can find by just googling the title such as Weight watchers egg roll in a bowl. Good luck, Yes you can be in control even when the Weight Watcher price is too much of an extravagance. And there is always the goal of being a lifetime member for free, I haven’t paid for probably 45 of the last years. Haven’t tried the other programs but there are some good ideas here
Well. Looks like they DID CHANGE the program. Effective yesterday. WW+
Is W.W. Still honoring the Lifetime memberships?? Will there be upcoming meets in Huntington, In, 46750?? WE miss you. Sincerely, C.
Is the new program honoring Life Time Members? I would like to join Zoom and I’m from Sequim Washington. How do I connect with my local group? Where do I pay my $14.95 Fee to join Zoom?
I heard after June, I think, Lifetimers will have to pay for the tool. But not the meetings.
Why have you messed up the plan. There are so many unnecessary and irritating things on there now. There are so many things that take away and confuse the program. My husband and I will be looking for another plan to join. We can’t even find anyone to talk to.
We highly recommend itrackbites! 🙂 Check it out here: https://smileyspoints.com/how-does-itrackbites-work/
I agree! Feels so much more restrictive. They base “extra” free points on what foods you “enjoy eating every day” and then reduce points to make you choose your selection. I don’t want to eat anything EVERY DAY. I like variety! One of the things I loved about WW was the choice involved. It worked for me. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
What are the charms milestone intervals?
WW milestone charms are given out at various weight-loss intervals starting at five pounds and up to 200 pounds, plus when you reach your goal weight. I know that if you are in the studio program you receive one at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, and Lifetime.
I have read that extra virgin is now 1 point per tablespoon. Is that correct
1tsp is 1 point.