Catlin Crall Before and After Pictures with text Weight Watchers Success Story
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Weight Watchers Success Story: Caitlin Crall

This is Caitlin Crall's story of losing over 50 pounds while rehabbing a torn ACL. She loves inspiring others to lose weight and feel great, so she is sharing her story and her favorite recipe, which will make you smile, with us.

Paleo vs myWW

No one ever realizes how bad it was until I show them side by side or before and after pictures. Which I’m thankful for – I’m surrounded by people who love me for me and don’t see me as a size or a number. They always have and will see me as me. But I always knew and realized how bad it was. I tried paleo twice before, both instances had me feeling amazing, but coming off of it led to gaining back more weight than what I started with.

Weight Watchers and Grad School

CAitlin Crall before and after pics
Before and After

I’m surrounded by people who love me for me and don’t see me as a size or a number.


Two years of grad school didn’t help much. I was really sad that I didn’t look the way I wanted to at both of my graduation ceremonies, for multiple weddings and various other occasions. I was self-conscious everywhere I went. I was convinced that bartenders didn’t serve me because I wasn’t as attractive as other women at the bar. I was even referred to as “the fat one” one night out, and that still stings to think about. This went on for about three and a half years, post-paleo attempts.

Time for a Change

From 2016 to early 2019, my weight was a problem. In November of 2018, I completely tore my ACL and had a total reconstructive surgery on December 20, 2018. I remember looking down at my atrophied leg one day at physical therapy and thinking “Well, no way I can do anything about my weight now!” But then I thought…. “What if I did it now…what if I beat the odds? What if I did lose weight and get in shape, all while rehabbing a complete ACL repair?” So when everything in life told me not to do it, I did it. I absolutely did it. My boyfriend said, “You had every excuse not to do it, but you did it.”

My why is myself and I have learned to never take my health for granted, and Weight Watchers has shown me that I can do it.

Caitlin crall

I began Weight Watchers about a month and a half after my surgery. Sooner than later, I saw that it was possible. I lost weight and gained back my health while rehabbing one of the most dreaded sports injuries. I’m one of those very few, but very fortunate ones who can say “I am stronger now than I was before my injury.” I’ve been training for a 5K, but now I can run for about 4.5 miles now. My strength and technique in judo (the martial art I do) have evolved tremendously, despite a slight hiatus in training. Most importantly, I am strong, physically and mentally, and I am healthier. My why is myself and I have learned to never take my health for granted, and Weight Watchers has shown me that I can do it.

Caitlin Crall after surgery and now
Wow-what a difference motivation makes 🙂

There aren’t enough words to express how happy I am and how great I feel. I love to smile and be in pictures again.

Caitlin Crall

Weight Watchers has Changed My Life

There aren’t enough words to express how happy I am and how great I feel. I love to smile and be in pictures again. I love being out again. I love putting on clothes from years ago that I thought would never fit again. I love that I’m down almost three pants sizes, two shirt sizes, and almost two bra sizes. I love that I need new boots that aren’t wide calf. I’m just so much better. I’m so happy that Weight Watchers has been and will continue to be there for me. Through everything, I have learned a lot about myself, but I’ve also learned that life can throw you some sour lemons. And you can choose to turn it into lemonade, or you can throw the lemons right back and decide to persevere and be strong.

Make the Difficult Choice

I will always choose to be strong. The feeling is so worth it. My advice to anyone struggling with their weight: it is going to be okay. Even when you think all hope is lost, it will be okay. Make the difficult choice, and get yourself healthy. Always make the more difficult choice.

SW: 205 CW: 152 GW: Not sure yet – going to go as far as I can, but would be content to maintain it at around 140-145.”

Chili in a slow cooker
Caitlin's Slow Cooker Chili

What a fantastic story. I hope you were as inspired by reading this as I was writing it. If you need more support from people like Caitlin or the other members featured here join one of my FB groups and let us know what help you need. We are always here to support each other and give praise. We do not bash or shame all are welcome. Thank you Caitlin for allowing us to share in your journey.

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Favorite recipe: slow cooker turkey chili!

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Chili in a slow cooker

Slow Cooker Chili

  • Author: Kevin smiley



1 lb of 99% fat-free ground turkey
1 medium yellow onion diced
30 oz of reduced-sodium black beans
30 oz of reduced-sodium cantonelli beans
30 oz of Rotel
15 oz of tomato sauce
1 cup of crushed tomatoes in light purée
Juice of 1 lime
4 cloves of minced garlic
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp oregano
1/2 tbsp of ground cumin.


Brown turkey in a pan with diced onion
Do not drain
Add to crockpot.
Drain and rinse all beans
Add beans to crockpot.
Add the Rotel, sauce, crushed tomatoes, seasonings and garlic.
Slice lime and squeeze juice into crockpot.
Slow cook on high for 3.5 hours and then on low for 1 hour.
Enjoy! Zero points!


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