Weight Watchers and Thyroid Cancer
How can I lose weight after my thyroidectomy? What can I do to get my metabolism running again? What resources are available to me? These are all questions my wife asked after her thyroidectomy due to thyroid cancer.
Update 2020 – We switched to iTrackBites from Weight Watchers and things are going better than EVER!!

Thyroidectomy and Weight Watchers
If you have had a thyroidectomy, losing weight can be very challenging. Many people think that once you start taking thyroid hormone replacement medications, the weight will just fall off. While treatment can help you lose some of the weight you have gained, it takes planning, hard work, diet, exercise, and getting enough sleep to shed a significant amount of pounds.
My wife has recently had a thyroidectomy and we decided to write this post to help everyone understand that losing weight is a journey. Without a thyroid, it may be a tougher than normal journey but with the right education and a lot of perseverance you can lose weight and keep it off.

For many thyroid patients, calorie restriction or even a diet overhaul isn't enough to allow for weight loss. Having a thyroidectomy will lower your metabolism, which means you need to eat even fewer calories, making it more difficult to cut enough calories to generate significant weight loss. Cutting calories can also lead to a decrease in your already low energy levels. You need to plan out your meals, decide what, and how often you are going to eat.
There is a myriad of different diets out there and all of them have their benefits and drawbacks. Weight Watchers is the premier program for individuals who have had a thyroidectomy to lose weight on. The Weight Watchers Freestyle program is one of the only programs whose design is effective for everyone in all walks of life, no matter what the issues you are facing.

Hard Work
Losing weight is not easy, no matter what your circumstances. Without a thyroid, which controls a whopping 60% of your metabolism, it may seem nearly impossible. The Weight Watchers Freestyle program is designed to help you to eat healthier and to make better decisions about what you eat. It is HARD WORK but it is worth it.
Millions have lost weight and kept it off even those who have had a thyroidectomy, or who suffer from hypo or hyperthyroidism. The support of groups like Together We Thrive and others like this one will greatly assist you on your journey.

We don't mean going on a fad DIET that is not what we are talking about here, those things don't work long term. We are talking about knowing what you eat and drink every day to sustain your life.
We want to help you to feel normal again or as close as you can. Your diet is a major key to helping you recover and thrive after having a thyroidectomy. Weight Watchers is a great program to use to lose weight after a thyroidectomy, but watching your carbs is going to give you the best results. That's why I wrote this post about how to do keto and Weight Watchers together.
One of the most important things you can do to raise your metabolism is exercise. Working out helps make your metabolism more efficient by burning calories and fat, reducing blood sugar levels, and balancing weight-loss promoting hormones such as leptin. If you want to lose weight, you're going to need to do more exercise than you might expect.
If you are having trouble getting going How To Get Moving Again is a resource that will help you along your journey. Apps like Weight Watchers I created a post to help you even if you don't want the expense of paying for Weight Watchers.
Want another great read after that one? Try How To Get To 10K Steps This one will give you ideas of how to get your daily step count up. I even give you ideas of how to get your 10k steps while staying inside 🙂
How can I get my Metabolism going again?
You metabolism is a tough customer and getting it running will take some work. Remember earlier I said that your thyroid controls 60% of your metabolism? Well in order to get it up and running again, you will have to actively work at it.
The Weight Watchers Freestyle program helps you with this by providing you with zero point foods that are low in carbs and high in protein. These foods, along with a balance of the right medications, will help you to regulate your metabolism better.
Make sure your endocrinologist gets your meds balanced as soon as possible. These are important for helping to get on track to a healthier you. I am not saying to eat all zero point foods. I am saying that if you want to lose weight you are going to have to watch what you eat and regulate your portion sizes.
I Need More Resources
There are a lot of groups on Facebook that provide support for Weight Watchers and weight loss in general here are a few that is sure to keep you motivated and on the right track Freestyle Recipes and Support, Low Point Recipes
You will find a ton of great recipes and some fantastic people to keep you going during your plateaus or when you just don't feel like it anymore. Most questions you have or will have can be answered.
You will have access to a wealth of knowledge and ideas. Need more? Check out my advice page there is some great information. Do you need help getting started? I have a fantastic meal plan to get you started on your journey.
Weight Watchers not working?
Read about my (successful) Noom experience!
Thyroid Information
Are you looking for more thyroid information? My wife and I are chronicling our journey from learning that she had thyroid cancer through the recovery stages. Follow our journey as we try to give you the most up to date information and what to expect before during and after thyroid surgery.

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