Best Bread To Eat On Weight Watchers
You will find that most bread is 1 point per slice that doesn't mean you don't have to be careful. Some brands have different types of breads that are higher in points. I remember when I started on Weight Watchers and going down the bread aisle was a nightmare. I didn't know which bread was “the best” to buy for the lowest points and still taste good. I didn't want bread that tasted like cardboard, that just wouldn't do.

Best Bread To Eat On Weight Watchers

1 Point Breads.
- Aunt Millies 35 Calorie, Honey Light 100% whole wheat
- Aunt Millies 35 Calorie, Light 100% whole wheat
- Brownberry Bakery Light, 100% whole wheat
- Brownberry Light 40 calorie per slice, Italian
- Country Hearth Lite, 100% whole wheat
- Country Kitchen Light, Oatmeal bread
- Country Kitchen Light, Wheat
- D’Italiano, Light Italian bread, sliced
- Giant/Stop & Shop, Light rye
- Giant/Stop & Shop, Light seeded rye
- Healthy Life 35 Calorie, Whitebread
- Healthy Life, 100% whole grain rye, sugar-free bread
- Healthy Life, 100% whole wheat whole grain
- Healthy Life, 100% whole wheat whole grain, flaxseed
- Healthy Life, Italian
- Healthy Life, White
- Healthy Life, Whole grain, oat bran, light
- Heiner’s, Reduced calorie heart wheat
- Heiner’s 35, Reduced calorie vegetable fiber, wheat
- Holsum, Light wheat
- Holsum Lite’r 35, Wheat
- Holsum Lite’r 35, White
- Julian Bakery Paleo Bread, Gluten-free, coconut
- Natural Grain, 100% whole wheat
- Natural Grain, Double fiber
- Nature’s Harvest, Light 100% whole wheat
- Nature’s Harvest, Light Multi-Grain
- Nature’s Own, 9-grain enriched
- Nature’s Own, Double fiber, wheat
- Nature’s Own, Sugar-free 100% whole wheat, whole grain
- Nature’s Own, Wheat enriched
- Nature’s Own, White enriched
- Oven Joy, Enriched wheat sandwich bread
- Pepperidge Farm Carb Style, 100% whole wheat
- Publix, Reduced calorie wheat enriched bread
- Publix Premium, Reduced calorie natural grain
- Sara Lee 45 Calories & Delightful, 100% multigrain
- Sara Lee 45 Calories & Delightful, 100% whole wheat with honey
- Schmidt Old Tyme 647 Bread, white
- Schmidt Old Tyme Bread, wheat
- Schmidt Old Tyme Wheat Bread made with Honey
- Schmidt Old Tyme 647 Wheat Bread
- Schwebel's, Enriched Lite white
- ShopRite, Enriched Light wheat
- Sunbeam, Lite Italian Low fat
- Trader Joe’s, Low-calorie light wheat
- Village Hearth Light, Wheat
- Wegman’s, Lite white
- Wonder, Light wheat
Weight Watchers Freestyle Smart Point Bread
Whew, that was an exhaustive list and I am sure there are more out there. The above list of 48 different bread brands are the best ones to eat. There are a few store specific breads brands like Great Value from Walmart that I did not include because hey I don't know about you but, if I am going to eat bread I want it to taste good, be soft, and not get stale on my way home from the grocery store. On the Weight Watchers Freestyle Program, you can eat whatever you want. It is amazing to me that after all of the fad diets and yoyo weight loss and gain that Weight Watchers has come up with a plan that can be tailored to each individual. A plan where you can eat what you want and still be healthy and bonus lose those unwanted pounds. All of the points calculated in this post use the Weight Watchers Freestyle program and points system.

2 Point Breads
- Ahold Light, Seedless Rye Bread 1 slice 2 points
- Brownberry Healthfull, 10 grain 2 points for 1 slice
- Giant/Stop & Shop, Light wheat 2 points per slice
- Schmidt Old Tyme Bread, Enriched Honey Wheat 2 points for 1 slice
- Schmidt Old Tyme Bread, Double Fiber Wheat 2 points 1 slice
- Daves Killer Bread ThinSliced 2 points for 1 slice (Thank you Gillian Iszard)
With all of the bread above there is no real reason to buy or eat these breads down here. Well unless there is one here you just can't live without. You can I know you can and I believe you will not buy these now that you know there are lower point great-tasting breads brands up there 🙂 I included these so that it will make your shopping experience in the bread aisle a little easier to navigate. I know how hard it can be to navigate the bread aisle, I have been there, staring at the many loaves of bread wondering which one is lower in points and healthy and tastes good. You know there are some brands out there that no matter what you do in less than 24 hours it will be stale and only good for making toast, stuffing, or bread crumbs.
Weight Watchers not working?
Read about my (successful) Noom experience!

3 Point Breads
- Giant/Stop & Shop, Light Italian 3 points for 1 roll
- Sara Lee 45 Calories & Delightful, 100% whole wheat 3 points for 2 slices
- Village Hearth Light, Italian 3 points for 2 slices
- Sara Lee Artesano style 3 points per slice
- Sara Lee Artesano Golden Wheat 3 points per slice
The big boys are down here. These breads are hefty. If you are eating your weeklies or you need to add a few points to get to your daily intake you may visit down here 🙂 I would recommend healthy fats to add to your diet but hey it's Weight Watchers and you can spend your points how you see fit. I truly hope this helps you to make better choices and still enjoy your meals.

4 Point Breads
- Aunt Millie’s, Multi whole grain wheat, 97% fat-free 1 slice 4 points
- Pepperidge Farm Light Style Soft, Wheat bread 4 points for 3 slices
- Schmidt Old Tyme Bread, 100% Whole Wheat 4 points for 1 slice

This is a great list! I’m going to bookmark this page and check it out the next time I go to the grocery store. Thanks for making this list!
I mentioned Dave’s Killer Bread Thin Slice last time and it is still not on the list. 2 its per slice. Great tasting. One of the better/healthier breads out.
Sorry, I missed it I will add it right now 🙂 Thank you for letting me know.
This list is awesome and so helpful!! Thank you for taking the time to do this.
I hope it helps you as much as it helped me 🙂
Ahhhh bread. The first on my list for food. My dad was a professional baker and I lived for his breads and pastries. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this for us.
Thank you for this article! So helpful.