7 Ways to say “NO” to Food Pushers!
Are you unaware that you are exceeding your monthly cheat day limit, and that too because of others? Wake up! You are being food pushed!
Food pushing may start when your friend says “I have tried my new cheesy recipe, please taste it and give your opinion!”; or when your grandma insists “Just one more spoon dear! I made it specially for you!” or when your higher authority at work demands you “ This is an office party. Do not eat like a child. Come on!”
Let us learn more about food pushing and 7 unique ways to keep yourself away from food pushers to stay in your diet. Here we go!
What Is Food Pushing?
Food Pushing is forcing someone to eat something that is not in their diet plan and is not willing to eat at that moment. This eventually leads to eating unhealthy and high-calorie food.
Food Pushers are people who lead you to unplanned eating. They are not necessarily bad people who love to see you fail in your diet target. Food pushers could be your grandma, your mom, or your friend.
Food Pushers make you feel anxious and stressed. This also tends you to avoid certain functions and family gatherings.
Food Pushers Can Be
- A person who loves to cook and wants you to eat and taste what they cook
- Some caring person at home who thinks you are starving
- Foodies who love to share their food with you
- People who are jealous of your weight loss
Why Do People Push Food?
Food pushing may not be intentional. Food pushers could be your family members, especially your grandma, friends, loved ones, or colleagues. They push food on you to show their love and affection.
When your Grandma says – “Just one more spoon! It is healthy,” is to make you pack with enough strength through food. But in dietary terms, that might not be the case.
Dr. Albers says, “Food is a great connector. It can be an expression of love and a way to strengthen bonds.”
But we cannot conclude food pushing might come from your loved ones. It may be due to different reasons. Here are some common reasons why people push food!
- Kindness is one of the main reasons for pushing food. This could be in good intentions.
- Concern about your physical and mental health by someone who loves you when they see you not eating anything.
- Jealousy can also tempt food pushers to sabotage your diet plan to get healthier.
- Family and cultural traditions give importance to food; you are forced to eat when you try to decline.
- Someone you love cooks a new or favorite recipe, and you are pushed to eat to validate their efforts.
- Some pushers won't know the reason for your negligence, but they insist you eat for their satisfaction.
Different Types Of Food Pushers
You would come across these four types of food pushers during your diet plan:
- Insecure Food Pusher
“Have a single piece. I won't feel guilty.”
Some people might feel insecure and inadequate about what they eat and want others to accompany them. You can deny their request by telling them that your Doctor or dietician has advised you to skip certain foods.
- Persistent Food Pusher
“It's your favorite!!! I know you would love tasting this Dessert.”
Some food pushers are persistent, and you can deny them by saying that you are full and reached your limits.
- Questioning Food Pusher
“You are already looking slim! Why do you want to diet?”
Some people might be jealous of your weight loss and want to break it. Divert the food topic, and keep questioning them on other issues – “What is your next trip plan?”, “Hey, are you planning to watch a movie this weekend?”
- Holiday Cheer Food Pusher
“It's a Party! Have another piece of Cake and enjoy it!”
Most people show their affection and love through food. And holidays seem to be a challenging time for dieters. Before attending family gatherings or parties, prepare your mind to be confident. Ask them for a take-home portion, so you do not hurt anyone or cross your diet limits.
7 Ways To Deal With The Food Pushers
There are several ways to say NO to food pushers. Here are some tactical ones that could help you escape from food pushers.
- Try to divert their speech. Talk about their weekend plans, movies, or weather when they insist on your food.
- Praise their food for its look and smell. Tell them gently that your Doctor or Dietician would not agree to take this food.
- Communicate your health goals to your food pusher, which gives them a chance to understand.
- Avoid challenging situations which might tempt you to have restricted food, especially when you plan to visit a restaurant.
- Chew your food slowly so that you will get to reduce the intake of your calorie.
- Be confident not to cross your food boundaries. Tell some reasons that you are bloated or full. Lying for the sake of your health is not much of a crime.
- When pushed too hard, politely say no to the food offer. Repeat your response assertively.
Quotes That Could Motivate You Against Food Pushing

Bottom Line
You know your food preferences and have every right to say “NO” when you do not want to eat something. Be Confident and set your food boundaries. Don't allow anyone to force or pressure you on what you want to eat. It is time to act against your food pushers, but in a polite manner. Cheers to your healthy diet!
Q1. How do you politely reject food?
Food is one way of showing love and affection in many cultures. If someone offers you food, they care for you. Always say, “No. Thank you. I feel so well-fed,” so the person offering the food is not hurt.
Q2. How do you react to a food pusher?
You can say No, Thankyou, and immediately follow with a question to distract the food pusher.
Q3. How do you tell someone “No” nicely?
Saying “no” can be difficult because you don't want to upset people. You might be worried about what they will think of you or how they will react. If the person is your friend, they'll understand!